Sunday, May 16, 2010

Cold War Over?

There are many ways in which the Cold War's effects still change our lives today. For example, President Obama just signed the START treaty with Russia in order to reduce the amount of nuclear weapons each country has in its possession. The nuclear weapons created were made during the Cold War era and they still have affects on us today. I think its very good that the two countries are reducing their nuclear capabilities because it shows other nations that they aren't as aggressive as they seem.
The Cold War also involved the Civil Rights Movement. Many influential leaders like Rosa Parks, Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did all they could to ensure that the constitutional phrase "every man is created equal" was in affect and they worked at this goal whether it was in a peaceful way or an aggressive approach. There are still some Civil Rights issues concerning racism that still affect us today. Whether its racism in real-estate, racial jokes or job opportunities based on race. Civil Rights issues and racism that are present today are nowhere near as horrible as they were during the Cold War era, but they do still exist and they still harming many people today.